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Stakeholder Management: Delaware's Rawak, Tennessee Tech's Wilson and Saint Peter's AD Felt

Guest Chrissi Rawak, Delaware; Mark Wilson, Tennessee Tech
13:28 min watch


Athletic Directors Chrissi Rawak of Delaware and Mark Wilson of Tennessee Tech visit with AthleticDirectorU to discuss managing multiple constituencies on campus. Brian Felt, Director of Athletics at St. Peter’s University, moderates the conversation as the three leaders dive into how to best involve stakeholders in decision-making, determining influential supports, reconciling differing opinions and much more.


(Click the timestamp below to jump to a specific question/topic)

  • - How do you involve your stakeholders in making decisions?
  • - How do you determine who your stakeholders are?
  • - What is your process for reconciling differences of opinions amongst constituencies?
  • - Aligning athletics and institutional strategy
  • - Who creates the most stakeholder value?
  • - Viewing athletics as an investment rather than an expense
  • - Student-Athlete focused decisions
  • - How do you determine value in the stakeholder relationships?