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Student-Athlete Outcomes: Kevin Blue of UC Davis & Charlie Cobb of Georgia State

Guest Kevin Blue, UC Davis; Charlie Cobb, Georgia State
12:28 min watch


Kevin Blue, AD at UC Davis, and Charlie Cobb, AD at Georgia State, discuss Student-Athlete development with Parker Executive Search’s Daniel Parker. The conversation focuses on the value of a degree in the modern economy. Additional angles include expectations for coaches, football Student-Athletes specifically, and the possibility of mandatory metrics to measure post-graduation success.


(Click the timestamp below to jump to a specific question/topic)

  • - How do you define Student-Athlete development?
  • - Is the promise of a degree still meaningful for Student-Athletes?
  • - How do you help Student-Athletes understand how tough it is to play professional sports? (Cobb)
  • - What responsibilities do coaches have within your Student-Athlete Outcomes program? (Blue)
  • - Do you talk to your coaches about Student-Athlete development? (Cobb)
  • - Do you do approach graduation and post-career outcomes with Football Student-Athletes differently than other sport programs?
  • - What kind of programming do you have in place that focuses on Student-Athlete outcomes?
  • - There are a number of data points to measure Student-Athlete success while they are on campus. Should there be metrics to measure post-graduate success?